Get Involved!
When you support Phenomenal Women's Health, you're making a difference for generations to come.
Help us reach our 2024 goals
Train 3 new leaders to help teach our programs
Sign up 3 new high schools for our Stepping Out program
Increase event sponsorships by 20%
Add 2 new topics to our Loving Me Phenomenally and Stepping Out programs:
Creating a Positive Body Image
Girls Can Code, Too!
Be a hero in someone else's story
All US-based donations are tax-deductible!
Amazon wish list coming soon!
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss
Volunteer for college or community credit
Volunteer to help at an event
Volunteer your expertise to teach a class
Sponsorship Levels
Gold Sponsor $5000+
Host table with entry for 8 guests to the event
Recognition on all digital and print media
Stage/event display as Gold Sponsor
Vendor table
One entry into silent auction or raffle for event
Personalized recognition during the event
Silver Sponsor $2500+
Entry for 5 guests to the event
Recognition on all print media
Event display as Silver Sponsor
Vendor table
One entry into silent auction or raffle for event
Event recognition
Bronze Sponsor $500+
Entry for 3 guests to the event
Recognition on print media: 1/4 page ad & newsletter
Event display as Bronze Sponsor
Vendor table
One entry into silent auction or raffle for event
Event recognition